Best Tools for Amazon Feedback and Reviews Improvement
Reading Time: 4 minutes

In the ever-growing and highly competitive world of Amazon, customer feedback and reviews have become essential for the success of any seller. Positive reviews and ratings not only boost sales but also enhance a product’s visibility and reputation. Conversely, negative feedback can severely impact a product’s performance. To effectively manage and improve feedback and reviews on Amazon, sellers can rely on a variety of tools specifically designed to streamline the process and drive customer satisfaction. In this article, we will explore the top 10 best tools available for Amazon feedback and reviews improvement.

Feedback and Review Monitoring Tools


FeedbackFive is a comprehensive feedback management tool that provides sellers with real-time notifications, customizable email templates, and automated feedback requests. It allows sellers to track and analyze customer feedback on Amazon, enabling them to address customer concerns promptly and maintain a positive reputation.


FeedbackWhiz is an all-in-one tool that offers a suite of features to monitor and manage feedback and reviews. It provides detailed analytics, review tracking, and automated email campaigns. Additionally, FeedbackWhiz offers advanced features such as product review monitoring, keyword alerts, and order defect rate (ODR) tracking, helping sellers stay on top of their reputation management.

Review Generation Tools

JumpSend (Jungle Scout)

JumpSend, integrated with Jungle Scout, is a popular tool for generating product reviews. It allows sellers to offer discounts, giveaways, and promotions to incentivize customers to leave reviews. With JumpSend, sellers can also automate email campaigns, track orders, and monitor their products, making it a comprehensive solution for review generation.


AMZFinder focuses on driving organic product reviews by providing an automated email system that sends customized emails to customers requesting feedback. It offers customizable templates, order tracking, and comprehensive analytics to help sellers generate authentic reviews and improve their overall ratings.

Review Analysis Tools

Helium 10

Helium 10 is a powerful all-in-one software suite that includes a review analysis tool called “Review Insights.” This tool allows sellers to gain valuable insights by analyzing customer reviews, identifying trends, and understanding customer sentiment. By leveraging these insights, sellers can optimize their product listings and enhance customer satisfaction.


Sellics is a comprehensive Amazon tool that offers a review analysis feature. It enables sellers to monitor product reviews, identify negative trends, and track customer sentiment over time. Sellics also provides keyword optimization, competitor analysis, and PPC (Pay-Per-Click) management, making it a valuable tool for holistic Amazon seller management.

Feedback and Review Automation Tools

Feedback Genius (by Seller Labs)

Feedback Genius is a tool that automates the process of soliciting feedback and reviews from customers. It allows sellers to create personalized email campaigns and set up rules to automatically send emails based on specific triggers. Feedback Genius also provides analytics to track the effectiveness of the campaigns and optimize them for better results.


SageMailer is an email automation tool specifically designed for Amazon sellers to improve feedback and reviews. It offers customizable email templates, order tracking, and automated campaigns to request feedback from customers. With SageMailer, sellers can streamline their communication with customers, increasing the chances of receiving positive reviews.

Social Proof Tools


AMZScout is a comprehensive Amazon product research tool that includes a feature for social proof optimization. It allows sellers to display their best reviews on their product listing, increasing trust and credibility among potential buyers. By showcasing positive reviews prominently, sellers can improve conversion rates and overall sales.

AMZ Watcher

AMZ Watcher is a tool that helps sellers monitor their product reviews across multiple Amazon marketplaces. It provides real-time alerts for new reviews and allows sellers to respond promptly to both positive and negative feedback. AMZ Watcher also offers sentiment analysis, enabling sellers to gauge customer satisfaction and address any concerns proactively.

How Do I Manage Negative Feedback on Amazon?

Managing negative feedback on Amazon is crucial for maintaining a positive reputation and ensuring customer satisfaction. Here are some effective strategies to handle negative feedback on Amazon:

Monitor and Respond Promptly

Regularly monitor your product listings for any new negative feedback. Amazon provides a feedback management system where you can view and respond to customer feedback. Responding promptly shows that you care about your customers’ concerns and are proactive in addressing them.

Stay Professional and Courteous

When responding to negative feedback, maintain a professional and courteous tone. Avoid getting defensive or engaging in arguments with customers. Acknowledge their concerns, apologize if necessary, and assure them that you are committed to resolving the issue.

Resolve the Issue Privately

If possible, reach out to the customer privately through Amazon’s messaging system or email. This allows for a more personalized and confidential conversation. Address their concerns, offer solutions or refunds if appropriate, and demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction.

Provide Excellent Customer Service

Consistently deliver exceptional customer service to prevent negative feedback in the first place. Respond promptly to customer inquiries, provide clear product information, and handle any issues or returns efficiently. By exceeding customer expectations, you can minimize the likelihood of negative feedback.

Encourage Positive Feedback

Actively encourage satisfied customers to leave positive feedback. This can help balance out any negative feedback you receive. Utilize tools like email campaigns, inserts in product packaging, or follow-up messages to kindly request positive feedback from customers who had a positive experience with your product.

Take Corrective Action

Analyze the negative feedback to identify any recurring issues or patterns. Use this feedback as an opportunity to improve your product or service. Address the root cause of the problem, make necessary adjustments, and prevent similar issues from occurring in the future.

Monitor Competitor Activity

In some cases, negative feedback may be from competitors or malicious actors. Keep an eye on any suspicious patterns or coordinated attacks on your product listings. If you suspect foul play, report it to Amazon and provide evidence to support your claim.

Leverage Amazon’s Feedback Removal Policy

If you encounter feedback that violates Amazon’s policies, such as abusive language or unrelated content, you can request feedback removal. Use Amazon’s reporting tools and provide specific reasons why the feedback should be removed. Amazon will review the request and take appropriate action.


Effective management of feedback and reviews is crucial for success as an Amazon seller. The top 10 tools mentioned in this article, including FeedbackFive, FeedbackWhiz, JumpSend (Jungle Scout), AMZFinder, Helium 10, Sellics, Feedback Genius (by Seller Labs), SageMailer, AMZScout, and AMZ Watcher, offer a wide range of features and functionalities to improve feedback and review management on Amazon. These tools help sellers monitor feedback, generate authentic reviews, analyze customer sentiment, automate communication, optimize social proof, and track product performance. By leveraging these tools, sellers can enhance their reputation, boost sales, and build a strong brand presence on Amazon’s highly competitive marketplace.

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