Contribute as Guest Blogger
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The guest Blogging is a very common method or practice in the modern blogosphere, which is to invite other bloggers to write your articles on our blog. That is, it is when a person offers or is invited to write a post of their authorship on the blog of a third party.

Guest Blogging is a common practice among bloggers, in which you participate as a guest in a third-party blog. Blogging is one more Inbound Marketing tool that helps us (among other things) to disseminate information of interest to both our users and potential users. Among the many ways that exist to enrich a blog, guest post guidelines are one of the most widespread

This technique is widely used today by both guest authors seeking to increase their visibility, professional prestige, and reputation on the Internet, and by the owners of those blogs that try to offer more quantity and variety of quality content to attract more traffic and/or diversity of readers.

  • Study the style and theme of the site you are going to publish on.
  • Be sure to write articles with more than 1000 words, because shorter posts run the risk of being considered spam by Google.
  • Deliver original content, avoid duplicate articles, and submit guest post technology to share high-quality professional content and rule out over-promoting yourself.
  • Dispense with the use of keyword-rich anchor text for SEO and don’t abuse links.
  • Use more viral titles that can increase CTR.
  • Have a good BIO and profile picture prepared, adapted to the requirements of that blog.
  • Mainly, don’t post anything that you wouldn’t also post on your blog.
  • Watch for comments and respond quickly enough.

What Is The Main Advantage or Benefit of Guest Blogging

1. Build a Good Relationship With Other Bloggers

One of the benefits of guest blogging that has contributed to writing guest articles on the blogs of some colleagues is that these collaborations have linked us in a closer way. And thanks to this proximity, strong ties can be created with some of them. Today, many of those professionals who have invited me to make a lifestyle submit a guest post in their blogs, regularly share the contents of my blog with their online community.

2. A Guest Post Promotes Greater Exposure

Participating as a guest author in other blogs makes it easier for you to get to know and reach new readers (and/or potential customers) who perhaps otherwise would never have had the chance to meet you. For example, in my case, some clients who have contacted me in recent months, claim to have discovered my blog thanks to my monthly column 

3. Boost Your Personal And Professional Brand – (Branding)

Related to the previous point. Thanks to the extra visibility that guest blogging gives you, your image and reputation begin to be greatly strengthened. Many of the readers of the blog/web in which you collaborate, will begin to get up close to your work and professional skills thanks to the content you publish. So, over time, those people will also see you as a successful blogger or an authority on the topics you talk about in your posts (that is why it is very important to write on websites related directly or indirectly to your keyword guest post

4. Encourage Writing Or Reciprocal Collaboration

It is a fact that if you have written a post for another blog and the relationship that has been forged with the blogger who owns it is good, guest blog post examples will also have a better predisposition when it comes to collaborating on yours. In other words, an ideal scenario is created for cooperation or the exchange of quality content (but more naturally and advantageously for both parties).

5. Diversify Traffic Sources To Your Blog

Your guest articles will help you to get more qualified traffic to your blog because the reader who enjoyed your content will be more likely to search for more information. For example, my blog receives an average of +/- 15 daily visits from and a few more from other blogs. Of course, it is not an extraordinary figure, but at the end of the month they add up to a not inconsiderable amount of qualified or quality traffic.

6. Attract More Followers To Your Social Media Profiles

As you may have verified, your articles on other blogs include a signature with a BIO or description and the social profiles in which you are active. In other words, guest blogging will make it easier for other people outside your online community to also follow or connect with you. So, if what you contribute is of good quality, you will have a significant increase in followers interested in sharing your other content.

7. A Guest Post Improves Your Writing Skills

Writing regularly on other websites, in addition to your blog, will also allow you to practice and improve your professional writing skills. In my case, most of the posts I write these days are light years away from resembling my first posts (now it is much easier and natural for me to write articles of more than 2,000 words, that can be entertaining enough to capture the reader’s attention).

8. Extra Income Possibilities

Writing articles on your blog, and other blogs or in online magazines is also a great way to position yourself as a professional reference writer. In that way, you may also be able to get another source of income or make a profit by creating content for other companies or communication agencies.

9. Get More Potential Clients

As explained in points two and three, the visibility and prestige that these collaborations bring you can favor obtaining more potential clients interested in hiring your professional services.

What Are The Advantages of a Blog of Having a Guest Author And How To Find Guest Bloggers?

1. You Can Offer Content More Regularly

Keeping your blog up to date is very rewarding. But creating quality content regularly also takes a lot of time, dedication, and consistency. Allowing other bloggers to post articles from time to time on your blog will allow you to relax and/or focus for a while on other important aspects of your business or professional activity.

2. It Allows You To Publish More Variety of Topics and Content

Guest blogging can add a little more variety to your blog, which most of your readers will probably see very favorably.

Having different authors also means having the opportunity to publish articles with different topics, different perspectives or points of view, and different writing styles, preventing your blog from becoming a boring place.

These two points (one and two) are the main reason why I have changed my mind, accepting from today some contributions from other bloggers.

3. Build Strong Relationships With Other Bloggers

This practice allows parties (host and guest) to have the opportunity to create relationships, ties, or alliances between bloggers.

4. Expand Traffic And Readership

If our guest blogger has relative prestige and a good fan or follower base, chances are they will come to your blog to read their contributions. The most immediate result of this action is a natural increase in traffic and readership.

5. Helps You Capture More Audience Diversity

Related to the previous point. By increasing the number of new readers, who come to read the guest posts, the opportunities to attract new subscribers are also amplified. In this way, thanks to a wider audience, free guest posting sites and reputation will be further enhanced.

6. Your Followers Increase In Social Networks

As we explained in points 4 and 5, by having more new visitors thanks to guest blogging, we will also have the possibility of attracting more followers to our profiles on social networks.

This is important for both the invited author and the owner of the blog in which that guest blogging takes place:

Currently, Google penalizes practices related to Spam and SEO, which encourage the construction of forced or unnatural links. You may also have heard submit guest post technology that for this Google can penalize your guest blogging.

But watch out! Although this is real and can happen to you, I think you should not understand it so literally.

Let me explain, the search engine sees with very bad eyes and punishes articles that are forced, written by Spammers or of poor quality (very short, +/- repeated, of topics that have nothing to do with yours, with poorly constructed links, from networks that market these posts or links, etc.).

That is, if you do not want to have problems, just accept or write original and quality posts. Also, never include more than two or three of your links in those guest posts and they don’t all point to the same URL (diversify).

The anchor text or anchor text (the word visible in a hyperlink), the more natural, relevant, and consistent the better (do not put that text thinking only of SEO).

As a website owner, do not link with bloggers who are not trustworthy or who may be selling or buying links, because if they are penalized they could negatively influence your blog (when in doubt, better heal yourself in health and use the attribute rel = “Nofollow” in those links).

So, for us to understand each other better, guest blogging is not dead … What it has shown is the misuse that was given to it in topics purely related to SEO submit a guest post

Guest Blogging Technique

You also want to get their attention (always very tactfully), you can start promoting their messages. If you are consistent in sharing their content, they will eventually recognize your name and it is likely that, with a little goodwill and empathy, they will start helping you by sharing yours as well.

Don’t Copy, Reinvent

It is possible that you can publish your writings talking about common topics, but if you take the necessary time and contribute new points of view, it is much more likely that someone will be interested in what you are saying.

Ask yourself this question: does your content seem to be written by anyone or does it contribute something special? To get your voice you will need a lot of time and dedication, but the effort is worth it if you want your content to be original, useful and published

Give The Best of You

Business submits a guest post should be even better than those posted on your blog. We are not telling you to leave all your best posts for other blogs, but some of them. If your content has a lot of quality and you publish it on a fairly established site, your brand will shoot up much more than if you had published it on your blog.

Do not reframe or try to take advantage of the content that you have previously published. In the blog where you write, you only have one opportunity to stand out, so try to do your best to impact readers.

We recommend that you write your content as if it were a print edition. Filling your article with links can confuse and hinder reading. If you think adding a link is important, you can do it, but in moderation and making sure that it brings something relevant to your text.

Make a Good Writing To Places To Guest Blog

We recommend that, whenever you write to request a guest post, you try to comply with the following points

Write a short and concise email. Large paraphrases are often incompatible with the short time that your recipients have.

Try to request the guest post through email. If you do not succeed you can try to contact him through LinkedIn, for example.

Show that you know the blog where you want to write. You can comment on a previous article or add a compliment regarding the content, for example.

Indicate that you want to make a guest post for their blog and propose, for example, three different ideas.

Provide examples of the work you already have published online.

Once your article has been published, it is very interesting that you follow up on user feedback. Respond to all comments or questions left by readers and try to strike up a conversation to humanize your brand and get closer to users. You can also help by spreading the post on your social networks.


As explained at the beginning, the benefits of guest blogging are much more than just thinking about SEO. For this reason, no reason why should not continue participating in other blogs and at the same time receive entrepreneur contributor

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